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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

MP3s: The Arcade Fire

To those of you who like good music I declare: I also like that. But now, since I have no real income beyond what I scrape together as down payment on debtor's prison, I can no longer afford to indulge my sensitivities with complete albums and am forced to beg for scraps at the alley-door of fan-boy websites and blogs as P2P programs generally suck and my dial-up precludes any serious torrent work.

The Arcade Fire I've been wanting to hear for a while, since around the time I stopped having access to any money whatever. Turns out they're good, which will be of interest for those who like such things. There is a recent school in this musical realm of artsy shit that delights in pitting accompanied instrumentation with off-kilter vocals. The Arcade Fire take this to its conclusion with singer Win Butler, who has probably the worst voice of anyone I've ever heard, even considering my own death-knell yelp. Wake Up, for it's part, has violin work whose capacity to induce weeping has no serious competition since, probably, November Rain. No mean feat.

So here's some fairly high quality live stuff: Bradley's Almanac

. . . and a token track from the CD:

. . . and this, which is a site offering their music for ten cents a track. But it's based in Russia so I'm going to ask Mike to try it first and, if that Mac of his is still kicking tomorrow, let me know and God help me I'll go on an mp3 buying tear that will turn your hair white. Even lowly I can afford a buck an album. Or at least I can steal that much without getting caught.

Their website is . . . precocious.


At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... this musical realm of artsy shit that delights in pitting accompanied instrumentation with off-kilter vocals." Yeah. On your advice, I downloaded the linked stuff from this article and did some no-more-than-surface-deep digging to turn up another song or two and gave them a listen last night. For the most part, I liked what I heard (a few tracks were pretty great, even), but your comment about their webstie can sum up a lot about the band. Each song is about five and a half minutes long. The first four minutes of each is okay enough, but at at the 3/4 or so mark, they switch gears to the 'real' song -- the one that is much better and you would've rather listened to the whole time. I imagine if I had bothered to read the lyrics while I was listening (it is fucking impossible to discern anything the lead singer says without the aid of text), the switches might've made sense, but, without that sort of context, it just seemed sort of overly-precious.

Another comment: I thought the live studio session was better than the album version on at least one track. I need to listen again to really make up my mind.

Finally, my immense wealth of knowledge about the complexities and subtleties of international banking can be summed up in one sentence: do not give Russian people your credit card number. It goes without saying that it is unwise to give Russian pirates your credit card number. Still, outside the long reach of the RIAA, there is a good chance that they're on the level, I'd just rather not risk it (even if my Macintosh does give me special resilience against viruses and whatnot).

--Mike Sheffler
... turning to the 3-D map, we see an unmistakable cone of ignorance

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Luke said...

"do not give Russian people your credit card number"

Agreed, but this place takes Paypal. And it does seem to be legal, something about import for personal use. And they are on the right side of the RIAA's Russian counterpart, I think bunch of organ grinders names Vassily

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Luke said...

Thus sprach anonymous. Well done. Dildo.

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